D.El.Ed is a full time diploma course of two year duration. The medium of instruction for all subjected /Activities and examination shall be English/Hindi. The syllabus of the course consists of theory papers , School experience programme , Assignments , Seminars , Workshop and practical work etc .


  • School Experience program seek to facilitate the student teachers to
  • Understand the difference between the content of a subject and its pedagogy
  • Learn the skill to transact the subject matter in accordance with the needs and interest of the children.
  • Develop required skills to teach in an inclusive classroom.
  • Use different activity based. Joyful and age specific learning in the classroom
  • Develop subject specific teaching learning material (TLM) for elementary school children .
  • Incorporate the component of CCE in classroom transaction.
  • Learn about school activity , schemes , programmes and their impacts on school children .
  • Utilize the community resources for meaningful partnership between School and community .


Every teacher trainee will have to undertake school experience programme being conducted by DIETs for minimum 40 working days . This is compulsory every year i.e 1st year and 2nd year as per NCTE norms.

Course code 113(First year) 215(Second year)

Maximum Marks 300: year I : 150 year II : 150

Duration 40 working days each year (TO be assessed internally)
Course Code Title Of Paper Max Marks
  Int. Ext. Total
1 Philosophical Perspectives of Education 10 40 50
2 Child Development 10 40 50
3 Educational Technology 10 40 50
4 Teaching of Hindi(1) Urdu(1)/Punjabi(1) 10 40 50
5 Teaching of Mathematics(1) 10 40 50
6 Sociological Perspective of Education 10 40 50
7 Teaching of EVS(Science)(1) 10 40 50
8 Teaching of EVS(Social Science)(1) 10 40 50
9 Teaching of Health and Physical Education(1) 20 30 50
10 Teaching of Work–Experience(1) 30 20 50
11 Teaching of Art Education(1) 30 20 50
12 School Experience Programme 100 100
13 Process of Children's Learning 10 40 50
14 Teaching of EVS (Science)(2) 10 40 50
15 Teaching of EVS (Social Science)(2) 10 40 50
16 Teaching of Health and Physical Education(2) 20 30 50
17 Teaching of Work-Experience (2) 30 20 50
18 Teaching of Hindi(2)/Urdu(2) /Punjabi(2) 10 40 50
19 Teaching of Mathematics(2) 10 40 50
20 Teaching of Art Education(2) 10 20 50
21 School Organization and Management 10 40 50
22 School Experience Programme (Practicals) 100 -- 100
C. Optional Papers (Any one of the following Papers) for Second Year:
23 Guidance and Counseling 10 40 50
24 Early Childhood care and Education(ECCE) 10 40 50
25 Education Of With Disabilities 10 40 50
26 Teaching of English 10 40 50
D. Optional Papers (Any one of the following papers) for Second Year:-
27 Non-Formal Education and Adult Education 10 40 50
28 Population Education 10 40 50
29 Value Education 10 40 50
E. Papers/Practicals/Activities for Second Year:-
30 Practical (Comprehensive Evaluation in grades) A To E
31 English Language Skills A To E
32 Theatre in Education A To E
33 Adult Literacy Activities A To E