Education constitutes the essence of all the matters in this world makes what we are. It transforms us into persons, who have a fire within and a determination to achieve what others think to be impossible. The vision of the Department is to create highly motivated educationists committed lo the complete transformation of their pupils into a group of truly secular nationals, responsible citizens. They will be the makers of a golden tomorrow, a future that sparkles with endless possibilities and opportunities, A vision that leaves no blank spaces.

Mandatory Disclosure

Academic Programme

The Academic programme of B.Ed. is two-year duration. There shall bed deep focus on the teaching of both Theory and Practice in the institute. Acquisition of effective teaching skills by our students shall be our prime goal. The college shall organize teaching seminars on regular basis throughout the year. The goal of the B.Ed. programme as outlined by the University is to prepare effective secondary school teachers, who are capable of responding to the changing needs of Modern Indian Society. Some of the objectives of this Academic Programme:

  • To enable the prospective teachers to understand the nature, purposed philosophy of education, particularly of secondary education.
  • To enable the prospective teachers to foster creative thinking among pupils for reconstruction of knowledge.
  • To enable them to utilize community resources as educational inputs
  • To develop their communication skills and use modern information technology for school purposes.
  • To develop their aesthetic sensibilities and awareness of the importance of value of education in life.
  • To develop their awareness of the role of education in building up a democratic, secular and socialistic pattern of society in India.
  • To enable them to make pedagogical analysis of the subjects, they are to teach at the secondary stage and develop their skills in guidance and counseling

Laboratories including Computer Laboratory

Whatever is taught in classroom, however best it may be, for better understanding and conceptualization, hands-on experience in the laboratories is a must for a technocrat and professional. Education is incomplete without adequate training in the laboratory. We have well equipped

  • Specialized computer lab for B.ED.
  • Information Technology Lab
  • Educational Technology Lab

Teaching Practice

Teaching Pedagogy is the art and science of teaching. The theory and practice of teaching which includes philosophy, sociology, psychology and methodology involved in teaching as well as curriculum, school organization and management. 'How to teach?' is not very easy to answer in words. Practically it also incorporates the methodology of teaching taking into account, from formulating the objectives to selecting models of the lesson to choose the appropriate evaluation technique, use of audio visual aids, multimedia and mass media, selecting suitable strategies, techniques, methods tactics and modules, knowledge of skills, proper handling of instructional material and there is more to it.

Syllabus - Semester Examination

Course Code
Course Title
Max. Marks
1. BED 101 Childhood and Growing up 4 100
2. BED 103 Philosophical Foundations of Education 4 100
3. BED 105 Language Across the Curriculum 2 100
4. BED 107 Understanding Discipline and Subjects 4 100
5. BED 109 Critical Understanding of ICT 4 100
6. BED 111 School Organisation and Management 4 100
7. BED 151 Understanding the Self 2 100
8. BED 153 PSE-1 (Preliminary School Engagement) 2 100
9. MOOC* 4 100
Total Credits& Marks 30 Credits 900

Course Code
Course Title
Max. Marks
1. BED 102 Learning and Teaching 4 100
2. BED 104 Contemporary perspectives in Education 4 100
3. BED 106 Assesment of Learning 4 100
4. BED 108 Experiential Learning 2 100
5. BED 110 Entrepreneurial Mindset 2 100
6. BED116- 150 Pedagogy of School Subject-(I) 4 100
7. BED116- 150 Pedagogy of School Subject-(II) 4 100
8. BED 152 Reading and Reflecting on Texts 2 100
9. BED 154 PSE -II 2 100
10. MOOC* 4 100
Total Credits & Marks 32 Credits 1000

Course Code
Course Title
Max. Marks
1. BED 251 BED 253 Internship Part I 5*2 =10 Credits 100
2. BED 255 BED 257 Internship Part II 5*2 =10 Credits 100
3 MOOC* 4 100
4 MOOC* 4 100
Total 28 Credits 600

Course Code
Course Title
Max. Marks
1. BED 210 Gender School and Society 4 100
2. BED 212 Knowledge and Curriculum: Perspective In Education 4 100
3. BED 214 Guidance and Counselling 4 100
4. BED 216 Environmental Education 4 100
5. BED 218 Creating an Inclusive School 2 100
6. Elective 1 (Any One) 4 100
BED 220 1. Human Rights and Value Education
BED 222 2. health and Physical Education
BED 224 3. Adult and Population Education
BED 226 4. Peace Education
BED 228 5. Work Education
BED 230 6. Education of Marginalised Groups
BED 232 7. Life Skills Education
BED 234 8. School Leadership
7. BED 252 Reflection on School Experience 2 100
8. BED254 Drama and Art in Education 2 100
9. MOOC* 4 100
NCC/ NSS 2 100
Total Credits & Marks 32 Credits 1000